Sun history
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Sun history |
Sun history
website pages about Sun historyNASA attack mission have told the story of the life and solar system of the best and one of the best scientists in the world.
Today I will listen to all the unknown events of the solar system, especially the name of the star located very close to the center of the solar system.
These stars, which are almost ideal sphere-shaped, are composed mainly of plasma and ionized matter with a magnetic field involved.
Thousands of kilometers which is 109 times the diameter of the earth, mass about 2 10 ^ 30 kilograms or 3 million 30 thousand times the mass of the earth. It has a diameter of about 13 lakh 92 and is 99.6 percent of the total mass of the solar system.
The main constituent of the Sun is hydrogen, which is actually three-quarters of the total mass. Helium is the second most abundant element after hydrogen.
Elements heavier than helium are responsible for only 1.69% of the Sun's mass, yet their combined mass is 5,626 times the mass of the Earth.
These heavy elements include solids like oxygen, carbon, neon, iron. Although the color of the sun is white, it can turn yellow from the earth's surface due to the scattering of blue light in the earth's atmosphere.
The surface temperature of the sun is approximately 56 Kelvin or 5505 degrees Celsius. Helium is produced by the endless burning of hydrogen by the reaction of nuclear fusion in the center of the sun.
The Sun is the fourth of the 50 nearest stars at a distance of about 18 light-years from Earth.
The sun is approximately 24-26 thousand light years away from the center of our galaxy. The mass of the sun is 99.632 percent of the total mass of the solar system.
Slightly pressed like an orange towards the north and south poles. It is also possible to know the inner structure of the sun through sound waves.
Computer simulations can also be used to gain knowledge about the unseen world of the sun. Hydrogen is 84 percent of the Sun's mass, helium is 25 percent of the rest, and there are also some rare elements with high mass.
We use all the minerals that are inherent in coal, oil, petroleum and other fossil fuels. All the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun, the sun also revolves in its own orbit!