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Jupiter |
This website pages about JupiterJupiter is the fifth largest planet in the solar system in terms of distance from the Sun and the largest in terms of size.
Even if the mass of all the planets in the solar system are combined, the mass of Jupiter will be two and a half times more than the rest of the planets.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are collectively called gas giants because the planets are full of different gases, these four planets are also called Jovian planets.
Zeus is used as a Greek synonym for Jupiter. It is the third brightest star visible in the Earth's sky. The Romans named the planet after the mythical character Jupiter, because Jupiter is the chief deity of Roman mythology.
Jupiter's gas is mostly hydrogen and also contains a small amount of helium. There may also be a center formed by heavy elements.
Due to its rapid rotation, it has become shaped like an orange sphere. Its upper atmosphere is divided into different latitudes and different bands, which are very easy to see like spots of different colors.
In the midst of this stormy environment prevails, the level of this storm is always excessive. The planet is surrounded by a weak planetary ring and a strong magnetosphere.
According to the latest data, Jupiter has 69 satellites, of which 4 are large-sized satellites, and these four are called Galilean satellites.
Because Galileo first discovered these four satellites in 1810. The largest satellite is Ganymede, which is larger than Mercury.
V arious spacecraft were sent out at different times, including notable Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft that flew past Jupiter, and sent information and images from the Galileo Orbiter.The last expedition was called New Horizons, which originally set out for Pluto. It passed to Jupiter in February 2006.
The constituent elements of Jupiter's atmosphere contain 93% hydrogen and 6% helium gas Jupiter has 69 named satellites of these, 48 are less than 10 km in diameter.
These were discovered after 1975. Usually, various types of meteors come to our solar system, which pulls this Jupiter closer to itself and causes poisoning in itself, whose Jupiter is the most attractive.
Otherwise, our earth might have been destroyed long ago by a single meteor, a rock, or an asteroid.