This website pages about Astrology
Astronomers' explanations ofcreation of the world have been widely accepted, and have long been supported by data collected and observed by astronauts and astronomers. According to the Big Bang theory, the astrology universe was at first a huge nebula. Later in the 2nd stage there was a huge explosion. The result is a shadow path. These are later transformed into stars, planets, sun and moon. The beginning of the world is wonderful and the chances of it happening miraculously are zero.
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The Holy Qur'an says about the creation of the astrology universe in the following verse,
"Do not the Unbelievers think that the heavens and the earth were closed, then I opened them both?" - Surah Ambiya-30
Primary gas pinds before galaxy formation
Scientists agree that celestial bodies were gaseous objects before the formation of galaxies in the universe. In short, a large number of gaseous substances or clouds existed before the formation of galaxies. The universe points to that state of creation. Allah says:
“Then he turned his attention to the sky which was a puff of smoke, then he said to him and to the earth, 'You both come willingly or unwillingly. They said we came voluntarily. - Surah Ha-Meem Sajdah-11
It is self-evident that in this case the result of the Big Bang and no one knew about it before the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). So the question arises, what is the source of this knowledge?
*** Round shape of the earth ***
In the early days, people believed that the earth was flat. For centuries, people were afraid to travel far, I don't know if it fell from the edge of the earth. Sir Frankis Drake was the first to prove that the earth is round. He sailed around the world in 1596. We can consider the following verse of the Qur'an regarding the rotation of day and night.
“Do you not see that Allah merges the night into the day and the day into the night? -Surah Lokman - 29
That is, night turns slowly and gradually into day, similarly day and slowly and gradually turns into night. This can only happen if the earth is round.
The following verse also shows that the earth is round: Allah says:
He created the heavens and the earth with truth. He covers the night with the day and covers the night. ” Surah Yomar-5
The word (Arabic) used in the verse means to twist or twist something. As the turban is wrapped around the head. The rotation of night and day is possible only when the earth is round.
The earth is not round like a ball, but polarly flat.
The following verse describes the shape of the earth. God says,
"He has expanded the world since then." Surah Naziat-30
The Arabic word has two meanings. One of the meanings is the egg of the ostrich. Another meaning is ‘to expand’. Both meanings are pure.
This is how the Qur'an describes the shape of the earth accurately. However, when the Qur'an was revealed, the prevailing idea was that the earth was flat.
*** Moonlight is reflected light ***
Earlier civilizations had the idea that the moon has its own light. But science now tells us that the light of the moon is the reflected light. This fact was told to us by the Qur'an 1400 years ago today. Allah said:
"Blessed is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and placed in them the sun and the radiant moon." - Surah Furqan-61
In Arabic, the sun is called (Arabic). In the Qur'an, the word sun also means sun. It means lamp or torch. Elsewhere, the sun (Arabic) is mentioned. It means 'burning radiant lamp or torch.' The word (Arabic) has been used to mean the same thing. It means 'radiant sun'. These three descriptions are suitable for the sun. Because, the sun produces a lot of heat and light in its combustion.
The Arabic word for moon is (Arabic). The Qur'an calls the moon (Arabic). It means "soft light-giver." That is, it gives reflected light. The Qur'an's description is in harmony with the real nature of the moon. The light of the sun is reflected on it. The moon is never called (Arabic) or (Arabic) in the Qur'an and the sun is never called (Arabic) or (Arabic).
By this it is understood that the Qur'an acknowledges the difference between the light of the sun and the light of the moon.
The following verse mentions the nature of the light of the moon and the sun. Allah says:
He is the One who made the sun to shine and the moon to shine in the dim light. "
Allah Almighty also said:
"Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens in layers and placed the moon there as a dim light and the sun as a lamp?" - Surah Nooh - 15-16
The great Qur'an and modern science speak of the difference between the light of the moon and the sun.
*** Rotation of the Sun ***
European philosophers and scientists have long believed that the earth is at the center of the universe and that other things, including the sun, revolve around it. In this theory, it is said that the center of the solar system - the sun is motionless. But other planets revolve around it.
In 1809, the German scientist Johannes Kepler published a book called Astronomia Nova. It has been possible to explain the subject, one of which is the matter of day and night. After all these discoveries, the idea is that the sun is stable which does not rotate in its orbit like the earth. I seem to have read this wrong opinion in geography when I was a school student.
We will now explain the following verse of the Qur'an. Allah says:
“He created the night and the day and the moon and the sun. Everyone moves in their own orbit. ” (Surat al-Ambiya: 33)
The word (Arabic) is used in this verse which comes from (Arabic). The literal meaning is swimming. This word is used to mean the motion of a thing. If you use the word for a person on earth, it does not mean that he is rolling. Rather, it means he walks or runs. And if it is used for a person in the water, it does not mean that he is 'floating', but it means that he swims.
Similarly if you use the word about something related to the sky, such as the sun, it means not just fly in space, but it means it rotates in space. Most school textbooks mention the fact that the sun revolves in its orbit. To understand the rotation of the sun in its own orbit, it is necessary to display a portrait of the sun on the table. Anyone can examine the portrait of the sun if they are not blindfolded. It has been observed that the Sun has positions which revolve once every 25 days. In other words, it takes about 25 days for the sun to rotate in its orbit.
The sun travels at a speed of 240 kilometers per second in space. It takes 200 million years for it to rotate once in the center of our galaxy.
Allah says in the Qur'an:
“The sun cannot reach the moon and the night cannot go before the day. Everyone swims in their own orbit. ” Surah Ya-seen-40
This verse contains all the scientific truths that modern astrology has only recently discovered. That is, the moon and the sun have separate orbits and they are traveling in space at their own speed.
Modern astrology has precisely discovered the exact location of the Sun moving along the solar system. It has been named as Solar Apex. The position of the direction in which the solar system is moving in space is now accurate and firmly established, and that is a large group of stars. Consellation of Hercules (Alpha Lyrae)
The moon revolves in its orbit once in a while, as long as it takes to orbit the earth. It takes him 29 and a half days to come back once.
No one can be surprised about the scientific accuracy of the verses of the Qur'an. Shouldn't we think about the question, what is the source of knowledge of the Qur'an?
*** The sun will fade ***
Over the past 5 billion years, the sun has been generating heat through chemical processes. It will end at some point in the future and then the sun will fade. As a result, all the existence of the earth will disappear. Regarding the instability of the sun, Allah says in the Qur'an:
“The sun rotates in its fixed position. This is the control of Allah, the Almighty, the All-Knowing. ”(Surah Yaseen, 38)
The word (Arabic) mentioned here means ‘specific place’ or ‘time’. The Qur'an says that the sun is moving towards a fixed place which will continue for a certain period of time. Another implication is that one day it will come to an end. In this sense Allah says (Arabic) ‘When the sun becomes dim. (Surah Takbeer-1) The dimming of the sun is a sign of the Hour.
*** Existence of objects in space ***
Space outside the well-organized solar system was initially thought to be empty. Astronomers later discovered the bridge of objects in space. The bridge of matter is called plasma, which contains atomic gas and contains an equal number of free electrons and positive atoms. Plasma is sometimes called the 4th state of matter. The other three states are solid, liquid and gaseous. The Qur'an in the following verse talks about the existence of that object in space. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. Surah Forkan-59
Anyone can ridicule the knowledge of the existence of solar objects in space 1400 years ago.
*** Expanding universe ***
1925 AD Astronomer Edwin Hubble says with the help of observational evidence that each galaxy maintains its distance from other galaxies. This means that the universe is expanding. The expansion of the universe is now a scientific fact. The Qur'an says the same thing about the nature of the universe. Allah says:
"I have created the heavens by My power, and I am the Extender."
The pure translation of the Arabic word (Arabic) is, ‘expander.’ It refers to the vast expanse of the universe.
Renowned astronomer Stephen Hawking, in his book A Brief History of Time, writes that the discovery of the expansion of the universe was the great intellectual revolution of the twentieth century. The Qur'an foretold the expansion of the universe before the discovery of the telescope by humans.
One may question that since the Arabs were advanced in astronomy, it is not surprising that the Qur'an mentions the truth about astronomy. Their recognition of the progress of the Arabs in astronomy is true. But the Qur'an was revealed centuries before the Arab advancement in astronomy. Moreover, the Arabs did not know anything about the existence of the universe at the time of their scientific heroism and through the aforementioned Big Bang. Due to the progress of astronomy, the Arabs had no contribution to the scientific truths described in the Qur'an. On the contrary, the opposite is true. That is, they have made progress in astronomy because the Qur'an has a discussion of astronomy.