
Showing posts with the label Saturn


Saturn Saturn This website pages about Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet at a distance from the Sun and the second-largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter.  It is also a giant giant planet, whose radius is about nine times that of Earth.  This planet is 95 times denser than Earth due to its larger size.  The English name Saturn comes from the name of the Roman agricultural god Saturn.  Saturn's interior is probably composed of a nucleus of iron-nickel and rocks (silicon and oxygen compounds).  The center is surrounded by a deep layer of metallic hydrogen, an intermediate layer of liquid hydrogen and liquid helium.  Its atmosphere is high in the presence of ammonia crystals for which the color of this planet is pale yellow.   It also has magnets, the current flowing in metallic hydrogen is thought to be the source of Saturn's planetary magnetic field.  However, although the magnetic field is weaker than our Earth,...